P230 Sponsorship Program for
El Jordan Christian School
We are proud to partner with Mustard Seed Ministries and El Jordan Christian School in Monte Fresco, Nicaragua.
Your $25/mo. sponsorship of a child will provide school supplies, books, special trips, and much more.
Click a child's picture below to view more information.
Scroll down page for sponsorship instructions!
STEP 1: Fill out the SPONSOR INFORMATION form and click SUBMIT.
STEP 2: Click the SET UP MONTHLY PAYMENT button.
We will be in touch to confirm and thank you for your enrollment in the sponsorship program.
Sponsors will receive regular updates from P230 and from the child they sponsor! THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUPPORT!
More about El Jordan Christian School and how your sponsorship will make a difference:
El Jordan Christian School:
is located in El Cedro, which lies in the district of Villa el Carmen. The school was originally founded and by a Canadian group, which left the school and community three years ago. The school is recognized by the Nicaragua Ministry of Education (MINED) and adheres to all the stares and requisites set by the governing agency. The school is affiliated with and governed by the El Jordan Church in Monte Fresco. The school has a daily Bible Class and twice a week they have chapel which the teachers organize and teach.
The school has four teachers who teach from pre-school thru 6th grades. The average monthly salary for the teachers is C$2800/month ($100). The average wage for a public school teacher is $200. The teachers believe in their community and in providing a Christian education to the children. There are currently 68 children enrolled for the 2016 school year (February – November). The goal is to have 90 enrolled students.
In 2016, the students will pay C$120 ($4)/month for the 1-6 grades and C$70 ($2.50)/month for preschool. This is payable to the church regulating body which consists of the pastor, secretary, elders and the director of the school. From the amount collected, the teachers receive part of their pay. A larger Christian school subsidizes the remainder of the teachers’ wages. The preschool teacher is paid from the church fund and also from the monies collected by the monthly school fees.
The inhabitants of El Cedro mostly work in agriculture or commute to Managua where they are employed as gardeners, guards and domestic help. The average family size is six. The average wage of the families is less than $200/ month. From this $200, they must pay for their bus fare to and from Managua (average of $1.50-$2.00 daily) and all food and living expenses.
The P230 Sponsorship Program:
The money collected will help pay for teachers’ wages, school supplies and other necessities and emergencies. School supplies will include: back packs, pencils, all notebooks, erasers, coloring pencils, crayons, pens, geometry sets and text books for each student in the subjects of Math, Spanish, Social Studies and Science. The supplies will be provided twice a year. The school currently uses donated and outdated books for the students to share and use to copy their lessons.
The program will also provide teachers with supplies and resources for teaching, as well as provide arts and crafts to teach Bible lessons. Lisa and Yelba will initiate a weekly Bible club for the students (very similar to a Sunday School class in church....songs, a lesson and a craft. They will incorporate dynamic, objective lessons which are engaging and unique...so that they stick in their minds). They will also invite mothers to meet for a time to pray for their children and any other needs.
The Sponsorship funds will also be used to take the students on field trips (the zoo, the national palace and museum, Granada, Leon, etc) where they will discover and learn more about their beautiful country and rich history, as well as God's creation and the role each of us play in it. The Sponsorship will be an annual commitment of $25/month. Twenty dollars will go directly to the above mentioned needs for the child and $5 will be used to help offset the costs incurred to administer the program.